DickersonBakker Blog

Join us for the Christian School Fundraising Workshop at the Global Christian School Leadership Summit

The Christian School Fundraising GCSLS Pre-Summit Workshop offered by Dickerson, Bakker & Associates will offer interactive sessions on both Christian school Capital Campaigns and Annual Fundraising, specifically tailored for Christian school administrators.

Morning sessions will include practical tips and training you can use to help improve Annual Fundraising for your school, as well as guidance in how to find and recruit a Development Director, and things you can do to help him/her be successful.

Afternoon sessions will focus on Christian school Capital Campaigns, including:

  • Five things you must do to prepare for your next capital campaign
  • Three key ingredients every campaign needs to be successful
  • How to figure out the ideal timing for your next capital campaign
  • How to determine how much you can raise in your campaign

Click here to view the full workshop schedule

Gleaned from our firm’s nearly 30 years of experience raising hundreds of millions of dollars for dozens of schools just like yours, our team will unpack everything you need to know about raising the money you need to build your school’s vision. Heads of School, School Administrators and Development Directors will find these pre-summit workshops helpful whether looking to improve their school’s annual fundraising program or conduct a campaign for new construction, renovation, expansion, debt reduction, or any other purpose.

Dickerson, Bakker & Associates is a proud sponsor of the 2019 Global Christian School Leadership Summit. GCSLS is the foremost gathering of Christian education leaders worldwide. A biennial event, the 2017 Summit drew over 750 Christian education leaders from around the world, including the U.S., Canada, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The 2019 Summit theme is Innovate, as participants work together to develop adaptive solutions to the current challenges and opportunities facing Christian education.

Learn more about the Christian School Fundraising GCSLS Pre-Summit Workshop event & purchase tickets here. 

Ready to get started building your school’s vision? Contact us today to learn how our team can help you reach your school’s goals.

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