DickersonBakker Blog

Meet Our Team Monday: 10 Questions with Brie Wetherbee · DickersonBakker

Written by DickersonBakker | Jan 29, 2018 5:00:00 AM

This week’s edition of “Meet Our Team Monday”  features one of our newest members to the DB&A family, Brie Wetherbee. Brie joined Dickerson, Bakker & Associates in June 2017 as the Vice President of Impact Messaging. With her contagious smile and joyful personality, it’s easy to see why leaving an impact is one of the things Brie does best!

Over the past fifteen years, Brie has become an award winning fundraising & communications professional; working in all areas of the industry including fundraising consultant, writer, and Creative Director for some of the nation’s largest fundraising agencies. We sat down with Brie to get to know her a little better. Let’s see what she had to say during our Meet Our Team interview.

What did you do before joining Dickerson, Bakker & Associates?

I’ve actually been in fundraising for nearly 20 years! Many of those years were spent primarily running my own business as a freelance Creative Director, Consultant, Writer and Strategist. It’s been such a privilege to work with ministries, universities, hospitals, schools, and more… I love making sure they have the funds to do what God has called them to do.

Where did you go to college? 

I attended Baylor University for my undergrad (go Bears!) I attended University of Texas at Arlington studying Psychology for graduate school and then Dallas Theological Seminary where I earned my Master’s Degree in Biblical Studies..

How did you hear about Dickerson, Bakker & Associates? 

DB&A President, Derric Bakker, actually called me after receiving my name from Michael Johnson, one of my favorite colleagues ever!  

What made you decide to come work for Dickerson, Bakker & Associates? 

I’ve spent so long operating as a “lone wolf” & I knew I was at the point where I needed a team environment – the chance to root for each other, sharpen each other, and collaborate means the world to me. I knew that DB&A would provide me with a new (and much-needed) challenge! Moving from serving primarily mass donor agencies to a major donor focus has a huge but awesome learning curve for me. And, I love it. Everyone here has added to my knowledge bank already! 

What do you look forward to most when starting to work with a new client? 

When I start working with a new client, I look most forward to understanding both their mission and their heart. That comes from building relationships with their team and the people that they serve. I also love the brainstorming part at the very beginning – this is where I get to put my super-creative powers to use and dream up new ideas! 

What is one goal you hope to achieve with a client when starting a new project? 

I want to communicate their voice clearly and accurately, in a way that touches the hearts of major donors and motivates a sustained giving relationship with as many people as possible. I also want to become a valued member of their team – someone they can count on to support and care for them with everything I’ve got. 

What is your favorite part about being a part of Dickerson, Bakker & Associates? 

My favorite part? It’s definitely watching God bless our clients through His people. As a DB&A consultant, I am constantly learning something new & being provided opportunities to grow personally and professionally.

What’s the best/craziest thing that has happened to you out in the field? 

One of our most recent clients, Atlanta Mission, set a major donor goal for their Fall Campaign in 2017 of $300,000….and, they raised almost $900,000! That was 3-times the goal & blessed my heart beyond words. I can’t wait to see what those funds do for the folks they serve. 

What is one thing about you that might surprise people? 

I was an opera and neuroscience major at Baylor. I LOVE to sing and I lead the worship with my husband at our church. Look out… I do break into song at times. I can’t help it! 


Another fun fact about me is that my nickname is “Encyclopedia Brie-tannica” because I have an elephant’s memory and know a ridiculous amount of completely useless facts. Trivial Pursuit is always fun! 

What is there anything else you’d like people to know?

I fight a chronic illness every day – I was born without an immune system. But, rather than hiding it or being embarrassed, God has really challenged me to share my fight transparently. I am committed to choose joy every day, because my Heavenly Father takes care of my needs. I will never let illness stand in the way of my dreams, work, and commitments, because I take God at His Word in Philippians 4:13. And, I will use this as motivation to love and pray earnestly for every person/client/friend God brings into my path. We are all in this painful, sorrowful life together until Jesus comes back to take us home…and that means we are called to hold each other up!

Learn more about Brie, read her professional biography and how she uses her experience to help her clients achieve their goals day! 

About the Series: Over the next few months, we will do a weekly feature of one of our team members giving you ‘insider access’ to our group of unique & talented folks that are in the field working with DB&A clients day in and day out. We are proud to have built a team of industry experts from across the nation that not only have first-hand working knowledge of the nonprofit & Christian ministry world but have a demonstrated track record of achieving real success in helping their clients achieve more.