DickersonBakker Blog

Meet Our Team Monday: A sit down with Jolene Waitt, Director of Administration

We are kicking off our week with a brand new edition of “Meet Our Team Monday.” This week we are featuring Jolene Waitt, Director of Administration here at DB&A.

If you have worked with Dickerson, Bakker & Associates in any capacity, chances are you have had the pleasure of interacting with Jolene. She has become the cornerstone of our team since her beginnings with DB&A and is often referred to as “superwoman” and the “glue” that holds us all together! With over 15 years’ experience in executive administration, event coordination & hospitality, Jolene works with almost every service area of our firm. And, we wouldn’t have it any other way!  

We sat down with Jolene for an interview for our readers to get to know her better. Let’s see what she had to say…

What did you do before joining Dickerson, Bakker & Associates?

Before DB&A, we lived in East Tennessee. We were blessed to be a part of a wonderful church family, where I was offered my then “dream job” of Executive Assistant to the Senior Pastors.

Where did you go to college? 

I actually didn’t.  When I graduated high-school, I was so DONE with school.  Instead I headed off to Lindale TX, to Last Days Ministries, to attend their discipleship school, and ended up staying on as staff. It was a wonderful and safe place for me to find my wings. It was here I actually met and married my husband.

How did you hear about Dickerson, Bakker & Associates? 

In 2011, my father-in-law passed away, and we uprooted our family and moved to NC to live closer to my mother-in-law. A few months later, while perusing job openings in the local paper, I saw that this company called DB&A was looking to hire a part-time Executive Assistant. Sounded perfect! I’ve been a part of the team ever since!

What made you decide to come work for Dickerson, Bakker & Associates? 

I love the idea of being a part of something so much bigger than myself, all the while tucked safely behind my desk. (making my inner introvert very happy!) I love that I get to do the “business side” of ministry, and build the Kingdom of God on this earth through partnerships with some of the most amazing Organizations and people you could imagine.

What do you look forward to most when starting to work with a new client? 

I love hearing the stories, and seeing the vision that each new Client has. It brings exciting new perspective to a common goal…making this world a better place.

What is one thing about you that might surprise people? 

I am Canadian/Metis. I grew up playing hockey at recess, placed 2nd in the Provincial Finals for Ringette, and learned to skate when I learned to walk.  😀

What is there anything else you’d like people to know?

My passion is my family. My only dream growing up was to get married and raise a Godly family. My husband of 26 years and I have 3 AMAZING adult children, 1 soon-to-be daughter-in-law, and several wonderful bonus kiddos who call us family.

About the Series: Over the next few months, we will do a weekly feature of one of our team members giving you ‘insider access’ to our group of unique & talented folks that are in the field working with DB&A clients day in and day out. We are proud to have built a team of industry experts from across the nation that not only have first-hand working knowledge of the nonprofit & Christian ministry world but have a demonstrated track record of achieving real success in helping their clients achieve more. 

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