DickersonBakker Blog

On this National Day of Prayer…

“What a thrilling, glorious thing it would be to see the leaders of our country today kneeling before Almighty God in prayer. What a thrill would sweep this country. What renewed hope and courage would grip the Americans at this hour of peril.”

The hour of peril when Billy Graham wrote those words was far different from the hour of peril in which we stand now. Graham’s letter to President Harry Truman and members of Congress led to the first National Day of Prayer, on April 17, 1952. We’ve been praying annually as a country ever since.

Every night as I sit and watch the nightly news, I’m reminded that we live in a time that is marked by division of politics, race and religion. If there was ever a time to hit your knees, I’d say that time is now, folks!

Join us and the millions of other believers all over the United States in praying for our families, our nation, and the world.

Let us pray for our leaders. Pray for them to have wisdom and for words that might heal and bind rather than divide.

Let us pray for the next generation. People often say the next generation is our future, but this will only be the case if we make them our present. Whether it’s your child, the kid next door or the college students you drive by on the way to work, let’s pray for God’s blessing and a revival of faith among those coming behind us.

For these and a million more reasons, let us pray.

I believe prayer is one of the greatest gifts God has granted us. We are so thankful for God’s blessings and know that He hears us & responds when we pray. Prayer is coming to Him in humility to find His hope and love. The National Day of Prayer offers us an opportunity to unite under this banner of hope and love.

This day belongs to all Americans and is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens to celebrate our most beloved freedom; the freedom to humbly come before God and seek His guidance in prayer. ◊

Click here to learn more about The National Day of Prayer, find local events & more. 

photo credit: www.wheniscalendars.com
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