DickersonBakker Blog

How to Calculate Donor Retention Rate

Written by Melanie Griffin | Jun 5, 2024 1:00:00 PM

For non-profits, delivering services is the primary goal, but without donors, that can be challenging. Because those services are top priority and finding new donors takes resources, donor relationships and donor retention are essential.

Understanding how to accurately calculate donor retention is crucial for your nonprofit organization. It can provide valuable insights into operational efficiency, help with strategizing fundraising activities, and, ultimately, support maximizing the impact of your mission.

Define Donor Retention Rate

Many organizations are able to acquire one-time donations through a variety of mechanisms like special events, partnerships, and special campaigns. However, recurring donors are, often, far more important for non-profit organizations. Donor retention rate measures the percentage of donors who continue to donate from one year to the next. It's a way to measure and track how many donors are staying loyal to your organization over time.

Why is Donor Retention Rate Important?

The impact of donor retention rates on a non-profit organization's success and sustainability cannot be overstated. A high donor retention rate signifies that a non-profit is effectively maintaining its base of supporters, which is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it indicates a stable flow of funding, allowing the organization to plan and execute its projects with confidence. Moreover, it reflects positively on the organization's reputation, suggesting that donors trust and value the work being done, which can attract new supporters.

On the other hand, a low donor retention rate presents significant challenges. It signals potential issues with the organization's engagement strategies or the effectiveness of its programs. This instability can lead to financial unpredictability, complicating budgeting and long-term planning. Furthermore, acquiring new donors to replace those lost is often more costly and time-consuming than retaining existing ones, straining resources that could be better spent on mission-driven activities.

Understanding and improving donor retention rates is pivotal for any non-profit aiming for long-term success and sustainability. It's not just about maintaining financial support but building a committed community of supporters who believe in the organization's mission and are willing to stand by it over time.

DickersonBakker's yearly survey of nonprofit leaders and staff delves into critical areas identified for change by participants. Our findings reveal that 66% of those surveyed think their organization prioritizes incorrect metrics for gauging fundraising effectiveness, while 45% argue that donor retention should be the foremost indicator.

How to Calculate Donor Retention Rate in 4 Steps

Calculating donor retention rate allows organizations to understand their donor base and identify areas for improvement in their fundraising strategies. We’ve outlined the steps to accurately calculate donor retention below. 

Determine Your Time Frame

Determining the best time frame for calculating donor retention is crucial for any nonprofit organization. The first step in this process is to define what "donor retention" means for your specific organization. This can vary depending on your goals and objectives, as well as the nature of your donors.
Once you have a clear understanding of what you want to measure, it's important to consider the frequency with which you want to assess donor retention. Some organizations may choose to calculate it monthly, while others may prefer a quarterly or yearly basis. 

Ultimately, the best time frame will depend on your organizational needs and the availability of data (we’ll get into this below). 

There are some general guidelines that can help you determine the most effective time frame for your organization. Firstly, it's important to consider how frequently donors interact with your organization. If you have a high volume of donations and interactions from donors on a daily or weekly basis, it may be more useful to calculate donor retention on a monthly or quarterly basis. This will give you a more accurate snapshot of donor behavior and engagement over a shorter period of time.

On the other hand, if your nonprofit has fewer interactions with donors and receives donations less frequently, it may make sense to calculate donor retention on a yearly basis. This allows enough time to pass for significant changes in donor behavior to occur and be captured in the data. It's also important to regularly review and adjust your chosen time frame as needed to ensure accurate and relevant measurements of donor retention. By carefully considering these factors, organizations can effectively track their donor retention rates and make informed decisions for future fundraising efforts.

Gather Detailed Data

In order to improve donor retention rates, it is important to gather data on your current donors. This can be done through various methods such as:

  • Surveys 
  • Feedback forms 
  • Analyzing donation patterns
  • CRMs for nonprofits
  • Events

By collecting information on why donors choose to support your cause and their level of satisfaction with your organization, you can gain valuable insights into how to better engage with them. 

Tracking donation patterns can help identify trends and adjust fundraising strategies accordingly. Gathering data for donor retention not only helps maintain relationships with current donors but also provides valuable guidance for acquiring new ones.

It’s worth noting that data on donors and data about donors are different. The former refers to the information and statistics collected from donors themselves, while the latter includes external data such as demographics or social media engagement.

Overall, gathering and analyzing donor data with tools like Virtuous Software is crucial for any nonprofit organization looking to improve donor engagement and retention. It provides a stronger emotional connection between them and the organization.

By looking at trends and patterns in donor behavior, nonprofits can target individuals or groups who may have similar characteristics or interests as current donors. This targeted approach can lead to more effective fundraising efforts and ultimately attract new supporters

Use Formula for Calculating Donor Retention Rate

To calculate your donor retention rate, you need to divide the number of repeat donors by the total number of donors and multiply it by 100. For example, if your organization had 500 donors last year, and 300 of them donated again this year, your donor retention rate would be (300/500) * 100 = 60%. This means that 60% of your donors continued to support your cause from one year to the next.

Interpret Your Results

To interpret the results of a donor retention calculation, it is important to understand that a high percentage indicates strong donor loyalty and indicates effective relationship-building with donors. On the other hand, a low percentage may indicate areas for improvement in retaining donors, such as improving communication or stewardship strategies

It’s also important to compare the results to previous years to identify trends and potential areas for growth. Donor retention is an ongoing process, and by regularly calculating and interpreting these results, non-profits can make informed decisions on how to continuously improve their efforts and strengthen relationships with donors.

Tips for Improving Donor Retention Rate

Increasing donor loyalty and retention is crucial for the sustainability of any organization. Here are a few strategies that can help achieve this:

  • Personalized Communication: Tailor your messages to show donors you see and appreciate their unique contributions. This personal touch can make all the difference.
  • Recognition for Contributions: Publicly acknowledge donors whenever possible to let them know their support is valued and significant. Social media shoutouts, events, or publishing articles are great ways to show acknowledgment. 
  • Building Relationships: Engage with your donors beyond just asking for donations. Show genuine interest in building a rapport with them, demonstrating you value their support beyond financial contributions, like by sending appreciation cards or gifts in the mail. 
  • Regular Tracking and Analysis: Keep a close eye on your donor retention rates. Analyze the data to understand the reasons behind your successes and failures, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

Focusing on these areas can help organizations strengthen their relationships with donors, ensuring their continued support and engagement.

Ready to Start Elevating Your Donor Retention Strategy?

By regularly tracking and analyzing your donor retention rates, you can identify areas for improvement and ultimately strengthen your relationships with donors. This not only leads to increased donations but also builds a loyal base of supporters who are invested in your cause. 

So make it a priority to regularly track and analyze your donor retention, and watch as it positively impacts your fundraising efforts. Remember, happy donors are more likely to become long-term supporters, so don't underestimate the power of donor retention! The fundraising experts at DickersonBakker can help you strategize and build a robust donor retention strategy. Reach out today to get more information.