DickersonBakker Blog

Your Next Important Step after Your Year-End Campaign · DickersonBakker blog

Written by Guest Contributor Paula Martin | Jan 19, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Congratulations! You’ve successfully navigated your non-profit to a new year. That’s saying a lot these days!

But what should be your next carefully placed step?

I’m glad you asked. Because many non-profits miss one of the most important things that lead to a second gift from a donor. It’s what your mom always told you to do. Say “thank you!” And really mean it.

When a donor spends their precious time (and dollars) to support your organization, it means they believe strongly in what you are doing. For the relationship to continue, you must show you care about the donor. Saying thank you is a small gesture which is full of great impact. But it should be a sincere thank you.

The perfunctory ‘thank you’ your donor software system spits out is not the type of thank you I am suggesting. The words and tone must be warm (not the regulatory type of language from the IRS).  It might take a bit of time and effort on your end to change that wording, but it’s worth it. This is just step one. Your thank you message should go even further than this!

Pick up the phone and thank them in person. A call just to say, “Thank you!” is so meaningful.

Another great touch? Send a short, hand-written thank you note.

Who knew your mom was so smart?

Can we help you strengthen your donor relationships by strategic, impactful messaging?  Let’s talk! Contact us today.